Tentative plans for upcoming features. Everything is subject to change - don't treat the presence of a feature on the roadmap as it being guaranteed to be in the game. Also it goes without saying that any dates shown are tentative and could change. In summary, trust nothing on this page.
Finish quest content for the three starter towns so you have something to do
Save file system with autosaving. Can't have you changing your mind about that NPC you attacked
Fully flush out the skill tree with all possible options so you can get overwhelmed and never look at it again.
Implement a full combo and skill based combat system. You know, so you can hit stuff
Implement the base magic system with affinity so you can blow up stuff you probably shouldn't blow up
System to setup world events based on certain conditions. For those random encounters.
Let people bribe and threaten others to their hearts content.
Add some stuff to make the game look prettier
Setup a system so there's rain, snow etc based on a couple factors. For the screenshots.
Let you build your very own snot nosed kid to run amuck all over the world.
Add some more stuff to do.
Finish up all of the game content
Final polish time.
Learn all the basics. Don't worry you can skip it.
Setup keybind mapping and look into controller support.
Don't get your hopes up.